I love playing sports. Even at a young age, I played sports all the time. This webpage will inform al little bit about my personal experience with sports as well some sports I recpommend you play.
When I was 5 years old I started playing soccer. Playing soccer was fun. however, as I grow up I realize that soccer take much more stamina compared to some other sports. But, this does niot mean soccer is a boring sport, infact it is still one of my favorite sports to watch and play because it encourages teamwork and other skills that are needed for other sports.
Basketball is easily my favorite sport. It contains teamwork and lots of physical contact and contains extreme intesisty. Basketball is a sport that I highly reccomend you play, because it is easy to play with your friends and it's just simply fun!
If you like sports that you p;lay by yourself without a team, tennis may just be the right choice of sport for you! Tennis contains lots of moving and technique as well as special equipment. However, when you get past that stage you will be able to play in extreme enjoyment. The sport itself is very comepetitive and contains quite a bit of stamina and running. Playing this sport can give you a great excersise.
In a hot sunny day, a swim can be a refreshing choice. The water can bounce off the heat and you can enjoy yourself in the cool water. But, as this is true, swimming can contain exteme muscle and stamina. Still, swimming or even just floating around the pool is a great summer relief.
As you saw, varieties of sports are drasitcvally different but all share one big idea, the fact that it is FUN!